美国西密歇根大学成立于1903年,经过100多年的发展,它已经从美国的学院和大学中脱颖而出。在由美国新闻与世界报告主办的美国权威大学排名中,西密歇根大学连续14年上榜位列前一百;在美国中西部拥有一流设施的西密歇根大学,被美国卡内基高等教育机构列入研究型大学一类;被Princeton Review 评为“全美最佳中西部大学”之一;Washington Monthly评为“最划算的46所大学”之一;The Daily Beast Kalamazoo在最适宜应届毕业生发展的城市评比中将西密西根大学所在的卡拉马祖市评为位列第24。
1、参加本项目的员工在本校学习两年半,修满国内本科阶段所要求的基础科和必修课程;在美国西密西根大学学习一年半,修完部分经济学本科所要求的中级宏微观经济学和一些专业经济学科目,并且用美国西密西根大学部分专业经济学科目的学期论文作为国内本科毕业所要求的学位论文,从而达到既满足BEAT365唯一官网本科毕业要求,又满足美国西密西根大学本科毕业要求,同时获得中国BEAT365唯一官网和美国西密西根大学的经济学学士学位。 在完成美国西密西根大学学习一年半,获得美国西密西根大学学士学位后,参加该项目的员工可直接申请美国西密西根大学各相关专业的硕士阶段学习。员工在西密西根大学本科阶段修读的硕士课程可予以免修,一般一年半(或者一年)左右可获得西密西根大学相关专业硕士学位。 2、参加本项目的员工在两年半内修满BEAT365唯一官网规定的国内本科阶段所要求的基础科和必修课程,按照4分制计算的累积平均成绩在2.5分以上,含2.5。英语水平至少达到雅思6.5或笔试托福550或计算机托福80分,在通过beat365网页版中文官网组织的面试后,合格者进入专门同美国西密西根大学衔接的班级就读,意向前往美国西密西根大学就读的BEAT365唯一官网的员工要满足美国西密西根大学的学业,行为和财力的录取标准。 3、费用:除按国家规定标准交纳学费,另收取一定课程引进、培训费用等;员工在美国西密西根大学学习期间,按其西密西根州外员工的学费标准向美国西密西根大学缴纳学费;员工在美国西密西根大学的食宿、保险以及旅费等费用由员工自理。美国西密西根大学本科硕士阶段学习的学费,学杂费,住宿加生活费大约为每年18万元人民币(根据2017年的学费标准及当前汇率进行折算,不含国际机票)。 4、招生计划:50人。 5、项目咨询电话: ((王老师:027-88386553;13507155183;谢老师:15927353809;027-88386464;李老师:13006120089)) beat365网页版中文官网网页: 美国西密西根大学网站:http://www.wmich.edu/
西密歇根大学成立于1903年,经过100多年的发展,它已经从美国的学院和大学中脱颖而出。在由美国新闻与世界报告主办的美国权威大学排名中西密歇根大学位列前一百;在美国中西部拥有一流设施的西密歇根大学,被美国卡内基高等教育机构列入研究型大学一类。此外,西密歇根大学是密歇根州各大学中最经济实惠的学校之一。国际员工将有资格获得包括政府补助金,学校奖学金,助教奖学金和助学贷款等各类经济援助。其中, Diether H. Haenicke奖学金是在择优选择的基础上,专为希望在西密歇根大学学习的国际员工提供财务援助的。 西密歇根大学提供237个学术学位,其中:140个本科学位,67个研究生学位, 29个博士学位。大多数课程由学校的855位全职教授讲授,另外一些课程由著名的学者和艺术家讲授。在这些教授和学者中,有数百名具有在美国以外国家从事学术研究的经历。与其他研究型大学的教师不同,即使是西密歇根大学最杰出的教授,也要去了解他们的员工,并给予老员工很多与他们合作研究和创新项目的机会。西密歇根大学拥有一流的设施,如现代化的基础设施,世界级的航空学院,医学预科学院及其公共服务诊所,毗邻商业技术和研究园的工程校区,著名的美术场馆,以及一个设备齐全的员工活动中心。西密歇根大学吸引了来自世界各地的员工。2009年秋季,学校招收了1200多名来自90个国家的国际员工。这些员工都得到了Haenicke全球教育学院在生活和学习上的帮助。Haenicke公司国际招生办公室的高素质工作人员提供全面的入境咨询和协助。该学院下设国际员工语言和文化中心(CELCIS),这是一个强化的专为国际员工设计的英语课程。国际员工可以通过这个课程,为在西密歇根大学的学习和生活做好准备。每学期,新的国际员工会参加一个全面介绍大学和当地社区的国际员工迎新注册活动。西密歇根大学拥有将近 20个员工自发组成的员工组织,学校鼓励来自其他国家的员工参加这些组织。这些团体包括:中国员工学者联谊会,穆斯林员工会,马来西亚员工会和国际项目委员会等。 此外,Haenicke公司每年举办许多社交,娱乐和文化交流活动。这些活动包括:一年一度的国际员工节,每年吸引约3000名西密歇根大学员工和社会人士一起体验不同国家的美食,音乐,时装和文化。西密歇根大学地理位置优越。该大学位于密歇根州,卡拉马祖市,位于芝加哥和底特律等大城市的中心位置。在此能充分体验到一个“美国小城市”的文化特色。拥有约15万人口的卡拉马祖是一个便利和友好的中型城市,并足以支持像西密歇根大学这样的世界一流学府。 Points of Pride Stature and value
Size and complexity
The higher education website BestChoiceSchools.com ranked WMU No. 13 on its 2014 list of the nation’s 50 most affordable, eco-friendly colleges. WMU was the highest-placing college in Michigan. Kalamazoo and West MichiganKalamazoo is one of the 25 best cities in the country for young college graduates, according to a 2011 national study that looked at relative affordability, housing and employment opportunities, and size of the age 22-24 population. That was one more acknowledgement of one of WMU's greatest assets—Kalamazoo and West Michigan. Even if you haven't been to Kalamazoo, you've probably heard a lot about it.
Kalamazoo is famous for a lot of things. It's a major international pharmaceutical and life sciences center; it's the original home of the Upjohn Co., Stryker Corp, Gibson Guitars, Checker Motors and Bell's Brewery, among many others; the Kalamazoo Gazette is the second oldest newspaper in Michigan; and a century ago, Kalamazoo was so famous for one crop, it was known throughout the country as the Celery City. Abraham Lincoln spoke in the village of Kalamazoo in 1856, four years before he was elected president, his only public address in Michigan. Kalamazoo is a center of higher education. In addition to WMU, it is home to Kalamazoo College and Kalamazoo Valley Community College. The three institutions collaborate on a variety of fronts and add significantly to the cultural and educational opportunities and economic development of the region. With a population of more than 325,000, Kalamazoo is the sixth largest metropolitan area in Michigan and among the 150 largest in the country. It's large enough to support all the amenities and entertainment found in larger cities; and yet, you can be in the heart of farm country in 20 minutes, and Kalamazoo supports a thriving Farmers Market downtown May through November. Kalamazoo is midway between Chicago and Detroit on I-94 and offers commercial transportation by train, bus and major airline at the Kalamazoo Battle Creek International Airport. Day or weekend trips by train to Chicago, the nation's third largest city, are popular and even more convenient with the continuing development of high-speed rail connecting the two cities. Recreation Kalamazoo is a 40-minute drive from Lake Michigan beaches at South Haven and slightly farther from beaches at St. Joseph and Saugatuck. Michigan’s ski country, considered the best skiing in the Midwest is three to four hours north, and excellent local skiing is only 30 minutes away. Kalamazoo arts and entertainment Local festivals—featuring live music, arts and crafts, food and drinks—many of which are held at Arcadia Creek Festival Place downtown—attract crowds in the tens of thousands. The Kalamazoo Art Fair, held annually on the first weekend in June, is the second oldest community art fair in America and attracts 60,000 visitors over two days. WMU’s Miller Auditorium, the historic State Theater and a variety of local clubs offer a complete array of concerts featuring every kind of music and popular entertainment. Kalamazoo is a frequent stop for many of today's top comedians, musicians and other entertainers.
About Haenicke Institute for Global Education The Diether H. Haenicke Institute for Global Education, established by the Board of Trustees in 1998, promotes and supports efforts towards globalization and internationalization of the academic environment of Western Michigan University. WMU has a long history of international involvement, dating back to 1911, when the University granted its first degree to an international student. WMU opened its first transnational education—or twinning—program in 1987. Fast facts
Research centers and institutes within the Haenicke Institute
The Economics Department 1. The Econ Department offers a comprehensive undergraduate program in Economics. Beyond principles of microeconomics and macroeconomics, we offer courses in intermediate theory and a large array of elective field courses such as Economics of the Environment and Sustainability, International Economics, Sports Economics, and the Economics of Medical Care. 2. We have about 100 majors and 250 or more minors in Economics. 3. We offer two programs at the graduate level: Master degree and Ph.D. degree in applied economics.
5. We are recognized as the third most prestigious and productive economics department in the state of Michigan.
Doctor of Philosophy in applied economics, May 2015 |