











2. Adam Smith across Nations: Translations and Receptions of The Wealth of Nations, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000 (edited with 2 overviews and 29 texts). Reviewed in Journal of Economic History, 2001, 61(3):872-4; History of European Ideas, 2001, 27:93-4; amazon.com, January 2001; Choice, December 2000; Isis, 2001, 92(2):364-5.

3. 《亚当史密斯与严复:<国富论>与中国》,台北:三民书局,2002;浙江大学出版社,2009

4. Braudel’s Historiography Reconsidered, Maryland: University Press of America, 2004. Reviewed in The European Legacy, 2006, 11(2):203-4; Sixteenth Century Journal, 2006, 37(3):935-6.《布劳代尔的史学解析》,台北:桂冠,2004;浙江大学出版社,2009




8. 《经济史的趣味》,台北:允晨(20102014);浙江大学出版社(20112013)。韩文节译版,首尔:Miraebook Publishing2010);张凤仪《漫画经济史的趣味》,允晨(2014

9. 《经济思想史的趣味》,台北:允晨(2011);浙江大学出版社(2011, 2016


1. Adam Smith and Yen Fu: Western economics in Chinese perspective, Journal of European Economic History, 1989, 18(2):371-82.

2. Market structure and inter-industry wage differences: the case of Taiwan, Economics Letters, 1989, 31(2):199-204.

3. Taiwan's neo-mercantilism, Journal of International and Comparative Economics, 1993, 2(1):15-24.

4. Market structure and income distribution: evidence from Taiwan, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 1994, 15(1):75-88.

5. Translations of The Wealth of Nations, Journal of European Economic History, 1996, 25(2):467-500.

6. Receptions of The Wealth of Nations, The European Legacy, 1996, 1(7):2069-83.

7. Keynes and quasi-rent: a deleted chapter in The General Theory, History of Economic Ideas, 1997, 5(1):121-9.

8. Marshall's quasi-rent reconsidered, History of Economic Ideas, 2000, 8(1):99-121 (with G. Fann).

9. Braudel's concepts and methodology reconsidered, The European Legacy, 2000, 5(1):65-86. Translated into Slovenian “Preispitivanje Braudelovih predodžaba i metodologije”, Pro tempore, 2010-2011, 8/9:84-104.

10. Beef taboo in Chinese society, International Journal of Social Economics, 2000, 27(4):286-90.

11. The Chinese silver standard economy and the 1929 Great Depression, Australian Economic History Review, 2003, 43(2):155-68 (with J.S. Gau).

12. Professor Jeremiah Jenks of Cornell University and the 1903 Chinese monetary reform, Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 2009, 50(1):35-46 (with T.K. Ho and J.S. Gau).

13. Good money drives out bad: A note on free coinage and Gresham’s law in Chinese Han Dynasty, Economic History of Developing Regions, 2012, 27(2):37-46 (with Y.L. Chen)

14. Equilibrium and adjustment of exchange rates in the Chinese silver standard economy, 1928-1935, Cliometrica, 2013, 7(1):87-98 (with T.K. Ho and J.S. Gau).

15. Silver fetters? The rise and fall of the Chinese price level, 1928-34, Explorations in Economic History, 2013, 50:446-62 (with T.K. Ho).

16. A silver lifeboat, not silver fetters: Why and how the silver standard insulated China from the 1929 Great Depression, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2016, 31:403-19 (with T.K. Ho).